Sky’s Reel

Featuring work from Man Up directed by Tony Arkin, Sonder directed by Beatriz Calleja, and Adulting Sucks directed by Matthew Humphreys and Maria Hubbard

The Different Facets of Sky’s “Type”

The Marches to Their Own Beat

This person always has your best interests at heart, even at expense of themselves. They’re a little clumsy, a little awkward, but always seems to know what’s right and are willing to stand up for it. Represented by a scene from The Duff.

The Outcasted True Friend

This character type is the weird best friend you traded up, but their story is far from told. No matter how hard you scorn them, they’ll always stay loyal

It Can’t Get Any Worse

An eternal optimist, this person rises to every occasion. Even dangerous ones. Really dangerous. Like super dangerous. Like dammit why did I agree to this dangerous. Represented by a scene from American Ultra.

The Sassy Sidekick

A bit in their own world, this character likes having a leader, and willingly goes along with any plan. Sometimes ditzy, sometimes sarcastic, either way, they’ve got your back.


The Fuck-Up

This person always seems to get into trouble. They often can’t see past their own nose. It was cute when they were younger, but now it’s probably time for them to grow up. Represented here by a monologue from Rabbit Hole. Featuring Emma Jean.